"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July with family and friends

The Lord has been teaching me many lessons this week, one of those lessons was learning to let things go...Because we had family visiting from out of town, and we had just gotten back from Vegas the day before.  I was unable to truly prepare for our 4th of July get together like I would have liked.  If you know me, you know that I like to be organized and prepared for any event, well that just wasn't possible this time.  So I had to really wing it!  And guess what, it still worked out just fine.  The table wasn't as fancy as I would have liked, and there were no decorations to speak of, but just having family and friends over for a meal is what it is all about. 
The Candy Bar is ready check!

 Prep station ready check!
 Table is full of food check!

 Desserts are out check (my favorite part)!
 My family has arrived and what a wonderfully happy motley crew we are!
(as you can see we don't take professional pics, we just point and shoot)
 The sun is going down and we are ready for some fireworks!
 again not the best pics, but you get the gist!
I hope you had a great day with family or friends.  Every day that passes, I'm learning more what matters most.  A clean house with everything in its place, or a home full of craziness and chaos with those you love.

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